So the call came from upper management, find employee monitoring software so they know what employees are doing and if they are being productive. This sounds […]
IT Business Edge published an article yesterday that discusses the lack of internal response companies have with respect to securing their endpoints and protecting from data […]
This is the great debate many companies have… Should they let their employees know their actions are being recorded, or perhaps is it better not to […] posted an article yesterday regarding a comprehensive survey that include CIO’s and IT Managers from more than 180 law firms with respect to information security […]
Insider threats are an ever growing epidemic in today’s work environment. Most companies are not immune to them and in many ways ill prepared to handle […]
HRE Daily recently wrote an article about cybersecurity and how company culture plays a role in data breaches that occur from employees. Much of the article […]
InterGuard Suite Now Includes User Behavior Analytics WESTPORT, CT MAY 5, 2016 Awareness Technologies, Inc., (ATI) the only provider of Complete Insider Threat Security On-Demand, today […]